Are you allowed to both love your new home and still have regrets about moving? I miss the heck out of our old neighbours. I miss the way my girls would run outside and find the next door neighbour friends and spend hours and hours playing together. I miss the the driveway conversations. We’ve been here three weeks.

But dang it, I love our new home too. It is a perfect, dream home. It’s located close to work, in a quiet neighbourhood, and along a golf course. I can’t afford beachfront or lakefront, so golf-course-front will certainly do.
There’s also the lake. Minnewasta is on the other side of Hole #3 from our backyard. The walking paths and bike trails connect to the end of our street.
It’s basically a dream come true. At least in that regard.

There will be many more Minnewastan photos to grace this page. Here’s a start.