16GB vs 32GB RAM M1 Pro MacBook Multitasking RAM Test

Monday, Nov 01, 2021

There are some really, really, really surprising results here. Basically, it doesn’t look like 32GB of RAM is worth it but in extreme circumstances — the 16GB M1 Pro MacBook Pro is within 3 seconds in all these tests. I’m curious to see how things pan out with a Parallels VM though.

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Wild Superyacht Secrets I Learned When I Became a Deckhand

Tuesday, Oct 05, 2021

This is sort of the opposite side of the spectrum from the “Professional athletes are normal human beings too.” I don’t think these yacht-folks are normal human beings. Not at all. (That’s not a generalized paintbrush, mind you — these are just some crazy stories.)

Triple-A Ballplayers Are Master Airmile Collectors

Tuesday, Oct 05, 2021

Watching the on-ice and on-field play is one thing. Discovering how professional athletes live their lives is another. It’s fascinating to read stories — especially around a professional athlete’s finances — and discover how alike or how different they are from “normal” folks. Add in the effect of uncovering context — such as a professional athlete’s level of education, culture, and nationality — and it becomes much, much easier to look at these guys like they are actual human beings.