And to top today’s roundup of HEY-related links is Jason Fried’s breakdown of the compromises made by both Basecamp and Apple to ensure HEY can continue on as a service and app within the App Store. I’m glad this fiasco is over — we can get back to watching the Basecamp team continue revolutionizing how we treat email. I hope they set their sights on allowing notifications for when a new sender hits The Screener and for when emails hit the Imbox.
Apple, HEY, and the Path Forward●
Monday, Jun 22, 2020
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Hey, Nah●
Monday, Jun 22, 2020
Nick Heer’s (now somewhat dated) analysis of the HEY controversy with Apple is worth a read. I think this whole “Big business gets to pick and choose winners and losers” is something to keep our eyes on as institutions get bigger and bigger. If you think it’s bad when big business gets to dictate winners and losers, imagine how bad it is when government gets ultra-big.
Kaya Thomas's HEY Email App Review●
Monday, Jun 22, 2020
This is one of the most balanced HEY Email reviews I’ve found so far.