This comes at a very, very opportune time for The Newsprint. I’ll have some news shortly. There’s something about “not giving a damn” that makes hitting the publish button so much easier.
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Pay the mortgage early or save in an RRSP?●
Thursday, Mar 25, 2021
Long story short, it’s cheaper over a 40–year career to pay your mortgage with the most tax-efficient earnings and contribute to your RRSP with the least tax-efficient earnings. I may have to discuss this on Toonie in the future.
MKBHD’s Ultra-Long iPhone Review●
Thursday, Mar 25, 2021
I really like Marques’s work here. This is a long, long, long iPhone review, but it’s momentous in a number of ways. It’s in-depth. It’s thorough. And most importantly, it’s derived from experience rather than estimation. I’ve reviewed products for years now and it’s always a rush to get them out the door. If Marques has trailblazed something here, it’s the idea of reviewing based on experience instead of estimation. Great, great work by Marques.