⤷ Walkie ●
Neat looking app for quick voice messaging on the Mac. Looks ideal for the current work-from-home environment we’re living in. Hat tip to Matthew Cassinelli for the retweet.
Neat looking app for quick voice messaging on the Mac. Looks ideal for the current work-from-home environment we’re living in. Hat tip to Matthew Cassinelli for the retweet.
I’m a relative newbie in the workplace. I’ve been chopping away at my career for about seven years, which means I’m only now learning how I work best. And this “do one thing at a time” is an area that really, truly, works best for me.
“Finally, Sheryl said, ‘You know, Kim, I can tell I’m not really getting through to you. I’m going to have to be clearer here. When you say um every third word, it makes you sound stupid.’”
I agree with 95% of these. Disagree with “credit” and “experience” (read the list, you’ll know immediately which ones I’m referring to). This is the kind of list you print and put on your desk or on your wall to peruse every single day.
I love the summary blurb for this one: “While the press and friends of Apple gathered for the launch event, the Windows team fresh off Windows 7 launch watched from afar. An annotated twitter thread.”
There are at least a couple NSFW photos here, so be warned. But each of these photos are sure to make your head churn a little.
There’s some stunning work on Adrienne’s website/portfolio. I’ve linked to the travel picks because they are my favourite, but it’s clear Adrienne’s skill set transcends all photographic genres.
Today’s first photography post is a beautiful engagement session edited with Refined Presets. Be sure to check out the Ever After Stories page as well.
Fascinating virtual look and visualization of what “Lenape” looked like before European settlers and the American people built Manhattan into what it is today. I like the thought experiment regarding how Manhattan would be different had Europeans colonized America from the West rather than the East.
Isn’t it crazy this is what Manhattan looked like only 400 or so years ago?
Interesting pricing structure for Cybart’s membership. $20/month or $200/year isn’t cheap. At all. But clearly it’s working. Perhaps a race to the bottom of the membership pricing barrel is the unhealthy thing to do.