{% include image.html img=”https://static.thenewsprint.co/media/2018/10/iPhone-XS-3.jpg” title=”iPhone XS Max” caption=”The iPhone XS and XS Max are the first iPhones that showcase the iPhone’s new, extra long lifespan.” %}
I’m slowly catching up here. A few weeks back, I went through the paces on the latest iPhone XS Max for The Sweet Setup. This was an interesting review, to say the least.
In short, I’m not sure if I’ve ever been so ambivalent on an upgrade plan for the iPhone. Must-have-the-latest-gadget folks will be happy with the iPhone XS and XS Max, in that it boosts speeds, provides a large new screen type, and has a great camera.

That great camera is absolutely fundamental to the iPhone XS and XS Max’s persona. The new larger sensor is great at gathering more light and provides way (way!) more detail in low light, but it’s crazy how much detail is being smoothed out in the boosted Portrait Mode.

Aside from the camera though, it’s clear the iPhone is going the way of the automobile. Annual upgrades are probably overkill at this point, with the majority of iPhone users tending toward 24-month or 36-month upgrade cycles. With that in mind, iPhone 8 and iPhone X users can probably steer clear, while iPhone 6 users are in for a delight. Plus, the iPhone XS and XS Max are sure to be high-powered for many years to come, especially if iOS 15 and beyond continue to support older iPhones.

Head over to The Sweet Setup for the full review. I was particularly proud of this one — my views weren’t entirely unique at this point, but I felt (at least) that my voice was.