It may take one of those double-takes to notice a difference, but the little — erm, not so little — “Supported By” ad at the top of The Newsprint’s homepage has been replaced by a new “link bar” or “link ticker”. This is just a simple way to share links as quickly as possible with as little friction as possible.
I’m becoming one of those data ownership snobs, wherein I’d rather keep as much of my online sharing to my own little sector of the internet as possible. I generally have way more links to share than is appropriate on the Sunday Edition, and I don’t always want to have to write a big long blurb about a link. Sometimes, something is just plain old cool and that’s all I want to say.
Overall, I hope this is a quick and easy way for people to:
- visit The Newsprint,
- recognize the site is being updated constantly,
- consume a range of links which I find interesting,
- and maybe even bring some more value to my own writing each week.
I intend on creating three different RSS feeds for the site going forward:
- The current and/or regular RSS feed, with just link-styled blog posts and original content.
- A new Fresh Links RSS feed for just the quick links seen above.
- A new RSS feed for all Fresh Links, link-styled blog posts, and original content.
Hopefully these RSS feeds are just around the corner. I’ll make sure to notify everyone when they launch.
As always, whenever a new bit of design hits The Newsprint, I have to thank Josiah.
If you have any feedback, or if you have any interesting links which deserve a spot on the link bar, you can get a hold of me in a variety of different ways.