My youngest sister asked me to shoot engagement photos of her and her then-fiancé back in February. Since then, it’s been a waiting game for their wedding day.
That day finally came a few weeks ago. This time around, a professional was hired to shoot the wedding. Thankfully, that professional wasn’t me. I couldn’t imagine the pressure wedding photographers endure on a bride’s big day.
Naturally though, I nabbed a few shots of my own.

My sister looked spectacular and my new brother-in-law cleaned up pretty well, too. In fact, my family as a whole had never looked better.

I’m exceedingly proud of my new brother-in-law and sister. They’re quite young, but they buckled down, worked hard, and built a solid foundation to start their life together.

To Carl and Rachel: I wish you God’s deepest blessings as you embark on the greatest journey of your life.