Right on the tail of yesterday's Getting Things Done by David Allen, Getting Sh-t Done is an alternative method for organizing your written to-do lists. Judging solely based on dates of different publications, Getting Sh-t Done appears to be the predecessor to the Bullet Journal and uses many of the same written denotions.
Getting Sh-t Done (GSD) uses simple squares, dots and slashes to denote tasks, importance and delegations. Bill Westerman, GSD's developer, discusses how to use a "Daily List" of tasks in conjunction with a "Master List" that is written and reviewed constantly over a period of days. The Master List resembles GTD's Inbox method but is slightly more simple to use.
Over the last few days, I've found myself falling back on GSD's system instead of other systems. I like the idea of using checkboxes to show tasks and simple slash marks to delegate or defer tasks to the next page. Unlike the Bullet Journal, Westerman doesn't outline major processes for indexing or for lengthy lists. This is one area where I still use Bullet Journal's ideas.
I definitely recommend checking out Westerman's simple ideas to organize your written to-do lists and journals. I've spent the last two or three weeks combining the best parts of multiple productivity processes like Getting Sh-t Done and I've noticed a new level of organization in my life.
At some point, however, I'm going to realize that devoting my time to learning how to do work will get in the way of doing the work itself. Unfortunately for my productivity, that time has not yet come. </p