A couple weeks ago, Chris Gonzalez over at Unretrofied.com began curating a series of interviews with some well known online personalities. The series discusses the objects they carry around on a daily basis and what they throw in their bag every morning.  I love these types of series. They give a neat look into how other people do their work and they offer new ways to improve how we do our own work.

These series outline objects people carry while on the go and software applications people use on their devices. However, I have yet to find a curation of products which people use while sitting at their desk. Our jobs are increasingly office-oriented which forces users to work within the confines of a small desk and an even smaller chair. I want to know how people cope with office life, which products they swear by, which products improve their life, and which products offer unique ways to finish a job or task.

This is a very broad topic and there is no chance I'll be able to outline entire workspaces. I want to review one or two products at a time using some photography to showcase the product and some positive writing to spread the word. I'll let The Wirecutter, The Sweethome and The Sweet Setup inform you on the best products. I want to discuss items that work best for you — sometimes, the best products on the market don't apply appropriately for everyone. I love learning about new and different products and I want to share those products with you.

I'll start off my series in the next few days with one of my favourite pens.

I hope you enjoy the series. If you ever want to let me know about a product you really enjoy, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thanks again for reading,