Although there aren’t many additions, there are a few deletions from my home screen this month. Check it out:

Every month, my home screen list gets shorter. If I felt the main page looked alright with only three rows of icons, I could probably cull the list further. But, for aesthetic reasons, I maintain the fourth row.
The most notable deletion is Quicklytics, which I’ve said goodbye to after The Newsprint’s switch this past week. I can’t tell you how much weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Also of note is my three-pronged note-taking attack. Drafts is where text starts. Vesper is my thought collection. And Editorial is where I create stuff. In fact, I wrote this entire article in Editorial. I love this app.
Lastly, I’m trying consolidate my to-dos in Omnifocus. I maintain Omnifocus isn’t the best app for simple tasks, but it’s nice to have everything in one spot.
Here’s to another scorching hot month.